
Scott Jurek's Vegan Chocolate Adzuki Bars

By Unknown - July 03, 2012

Scott Jurek lists twenty-five Vegan recipes in his new book, Eat & Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness.The recipes range from pre-workout smoothies, lentil-mushroom burgers, and even to sweeter desserts like chocolate adzuki bars (very much like a brownie). Initially, I was overwhelmed by the amount of ingredients needed for each meal or snack. It seemed like a lot of work, and like it would cost a ton of money.

That was before I decided to do a month-long Vegan diet. At this point, I'm about a week and a half into it and missing chocolate BAD. Maybe it was having to watch my entire family devour home-made brownies (while I watched longingly), but I started to crave something chocolatey and sweet. My friend, Michelle, just finished Eat & Run as well, and wanted to try out some of the recipes in the book, too. We decided to hit up the local health food store and buy some ingredients. An hour later (and having asked the employees several times where to find certain items), we arrived back at home with a couple bags full of new, exotic foods.

I chose to make the Chocolate Adzuki Bars, Michelle made the hummus, and Bobby made the Rice Balls. I also ended up making the Xocolatl Bars (mini chocolate energy balls with coconut). My kitchen turned into a distaster area for about four hours straight. It was amazing.

Photo taken out of Jurek's book, page 90.

I opted to use goji berries instead of currants or raisins for this recipe. I also used vegan carob chips instead of chocolate chips. 

1/2 teaspoon coconut oil 1 15-ounce can adzuki beans, drained
1 medium overripe banana
1/2 cup almond or rice milk
1/2 cup light coconut milk
1/2 cup barley flour
1/4 cup rice flour
6 tablespoons cocoa powder
3 tablespoons maple syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/3 cup goji berries, currants, or raisins
1/2 cup vegan chocolate chips 

1.  Preheat oven to 400° F.
2.  Grease a 9-inch square pan (with coconut oil).
3.  Blend beans and banana with almond and coconut milk until smooth and creamy.
4.  Add the flours, cocoa, maple syrup, vanilla, and sea salt. Blend again until smooth.
5.  Carefully stir in goji berries or currants.
6.  Pour mixture into 9x9 inch pan.
7.  Sprinkle the vegan chocolate chips on top.
8.  Bake for 35 to 45 minutes, until a toothpick comes out generally clean. (It took 45 minutes for mine to get just right).
9.  When cool, cut into 4 x 4 squares.

CARBS: 23 G 

After mixing the ingredients together in a blender, I poured it into a 9 x 9 inch pan and baked for 45 minutes at 400 degrees.

Final Verdict: For a "Chocolate" bar, being entirely dairy and wheat-free, this was a knock-out. It was ooey and gooey, like the traditional brownies I like to make are. The goji berries were also a great touch. Next time around I think I'll add walnuts and possibly less berries. 

I'll give it an A+, which is a pretty high for something being vegan!


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  1. Thanks for posting! I had this recipe from Runner's World but the issue is long gone. Will be making a double batch today - have you ever tried storing the batter in the freezer for making at a later date?

  2. Hello! I have not tried storing the batter, but that's a great idea! Thanks!

  3. Acetyl l-carnitine is popularly taken over a range of doses, but most people find benefits when taking between 500-2500mg per day. It is recommended that acetyl l carnitine is taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach so that the compound is rapidly digested to help activate the brain from the get-go.
